My brother and sister-in-law really saved the day with Christmas this year. It would have been pretty lean without their package. My mom's package still hasn't arrived yet :-(. My son got "Krtek" toys and a dvd - we saw Krtek at the movie theater when my (other) sister in law came to visit so he was/is totally into it. Here's a link:
As a matter of fact, today he has been bugging me to watch the dvd so I set a timer for my computer time so that he would do something else while he waits. The timer is a really good parenting tool - I'm really glad I discovered it! He understands that he needs to stop his activity when the timer goes off and it's much more neutral than being bugged by mom!
My previous post about destiny relates to the fact that I applied for some english teaching jobs- some in paris and one in nice. Overall, more opportunity in paris, but more competition. The pay is higher - by about 20 percent, but then the cost of living is a bit higher, though not sure how much. With contract work, I have the opportunity to earn 20-50 percent more than I would at a full time job, but of course, it's not "definite," which is the big advantage to full time.
Of course, there are other advantages to full time work, such as restaurant tickets, 'mutuelle' (supplemental insurance), and paid days off, but i think that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The ideal would be for one of us to work full time and the other to work part time, but I don't know what the future holds.