Sunday, April 20, 2008

Moving to France: Mr. French leaves in 2.5 weeks

I've found some blogs of other americans and franco-americans in the process of moving to france. None so far with my family's composition. American Mama. French Papa. Franco-American Toddler. But I can still learn things from them and post about things that others aren't posting about. I'm particularly mystified by visas, cartes de sejour and other paperwork that seems pretty straightforward (difficult, but straightforward) for people who have "no intention" of staying in France and haven't been married to a frenchie for 9 years and who don't have a child who is essentially french. I know that a visa is FREE for me and my son, but I can't exactly fathom why my son would even need a visa. Mr. French will investigate while in France. I REALLY don't want to have to go to my "local" consulate in Los Angeles.

French Papa has made a decision which i don't like: he has decided to speak english to bilingual boy until his departure. Why? So that he can progress in his speech therapy. Never mind that he may very well regress when he arrives in france this summer. Well, I just have to do my best in getting his english up to speed so that when we meet again in the fall, he'll still be able to speak english.

1 comment:

Non Je Ne Regrette Rien said...

Well hello there and thanks for linking my blog! I'm mystified as well as to why your (half) French son would require cartes sejour, etc. But the mystery of the french is just one more reason I adore them ... we'll see if it lasts once I'm there and entrenched in their mysterious ways! look forward to reading more about your adventure, amities, kim