Thursday, August 7, 2008

feeling nothing

i've just sort of accepted this move - this major life change. i don't feel anything. I miss my husband, but its more of an in my head thing than in my heart. i know i will miss my family and friends (already missing them) but I chose to do this so what else can i do? I can't sit and cry about it i must move forward so there's nothing wrong with not feeling anything - right?

1 comment:

La Framéricaine said...


Sometimes I can't feel anything when I'm in overload and the basic implications of making such a move are overwhelming, to say the least.

I too have chosen to make the same move that you are making, although to a different region in France, at a more advanced age, without children, with no real family left in the States, and very little likelihood of ever returning to the USA. I very definitely have mixed emotions about what I have put in motion!

You could sit and cry about it--your mixed emotions about it, that is. That might even do you some real good, free up energy that is strapped down while you are in a holding pattern here.

But, whether you do or don't, you will shortly get on a plane with your little boy and arrive in a new country with a different culture and language and continue the impending adventure that you have put in motion from here to lead you there. It will all work out. You'll see, sooner than later.

Happy Trails and keep us posted on the unfolding of your French phase of life!